Sunday, September 16, 2012


    All of us have grown up listening to a jingle “Vicco turmeric nahi cosmetic, vicco turmeric ayurvedic cream” which was a promotionl song for Vicco Turmeric Ayurvedic Cream.

   The most important ingredient in Vicco Turmeric skin cream is, not surprisingly, turmeric, long used in India as a spice for cooking and also for its medicinal and cosmetic properties. Vicco Turmeric is used to treat skin infections, boils, pimples, and acne.

    Vicco Turmeric ayurvedic cream claims to have a substantial amount of turmeric in their skin cream.

    So it’s quite obvious that Turmeric holds a very special place in the Indian household be it the everyday cooking, be it marriages, or simply a home made face pack.

    All of us are aware of adding turmeric in our every day cooking and we know that it gives the food a distinct flavor and colour but are we aware of the multi faceted properties which turmeric has??  Especially as an ingredient for skin care???
Since time immemorial, turmeric is very popular in cosmetic use especially for woman in India.

    Turmeric has been used for the last 4,000 years in India. It has been used in both Chinese medicine and Ayurveda to treat digestive and liver problems. The main organs that turmeric treats are the skin, heart, liver and lungs. Turmeric is known to help prevent cancer. Its analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory,  anti-tumour, anti-allergic, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, appetizer.
For skin care turmeric has innumerable functions, its skin benefits are more notable as turmeric is renowned for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Turmeric for skin care

     The skin acts as a barrier against harmful chemicals, microbes, and ultraviolet radiation. Natural plant products like turmeric have been formulated to heal and prevent dry skin, treat skin conditions such as eczema and acne, and retard the aging process.

    Traditionally women rub turmeric on their cheeks to produce a natural golden glow. A compound called curcumin is the yellow pigment in turmeric. It reduces hair growth on body. Nowadays there are lots of herbal products in the market in which main herb used is turmeric as natural ingredient, for instance Vicco Turmeric cream, VLCC turmeric face wash. These constitute home remedies for skin.

   Natural cleansers like milk with turmeric powder are effective natural cosmetics in themselves; it brings a healthy glow to the skin and makes them beautiful. They also help to restore or maintain youth by controlling wrinkle. Turmeric can also cure skin conditions including: eczema, psoriasis and acne.

    Effectual healing properties of turmeric have made it accepted after ingredient in cosmetics and drugs, as the leaf oil of turmeric and extract can also be used as bio-pesticides and sunscreens.
   Turmeric powder is valuable for its aromatic, stimulatory and carminative properties as well as for curing many ailments like sore throat. It is eminent for accelerated healing of both septic and non-septic wounds.

     Turmeric is also very effective tonic and a blood purifier. It is also skin-friendly and constitutes an important ingredient of many creams and lotion.
Skin disease

      A fresh Juice from rhizome or (the aboveground and underground roots) a paste prepared from turmeric or decoction is often used as a local application as well as internally in the treatment of leprosy skin disease. In case of smallpox and chickenpox, turmeric is applied as a powder or as a paste to facilitate the process of scabbing.
 Besides flavoring food, to purify the blood and skin conditions remedy is probably the most common use of Turmeric in Ayurveda.

      Turmeric is also known as a curative to detoxify the liver, balance cholesterol levels, fights allergies, stimulate digestion, boost immunity, and enhance the complexion.

       It is also an antioxidant Ayurveda recognizes turmeric as a heating spice, contributing bitter, pungent and astringent tastes.

      Turmeric is one spice which will always be found in every Indian kitchen and is used to add flavor to curries and stir fries. But its skin benefits are more notable as turmeric is renowned for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

      Beauticians the world over are waking up to the amazing benefits of turmeric and it’s also being incorporated in beauty products. What’s wonderful about turmeric is that it’s easily available and you can use it in different ways using ingredients that are available right in your own house.

    If you are able to procure pure turmeric powder, you can use it in many ways to add glow to your skin.

    Turmeric helps you reduce pigmentation on your face and even out your skin tone. It can be easily done at home. Mix a little turmeric with cucumber or lemon juice and apply to your face. Leave it for some time and wash off. A one-time application will be of little help and only regular use will give a soft glow to your face.
Troubled with acne? Whether it’s for you or your teenager, turmeric is a beauty ingredient that is harmless and yet offers great results. Turmeric mixed with sandalwood powder and a little water, and applied to the face can greatly reduce the appearance of acne. It’s definitely a cheaper alternative to all those creams and gels that are often not as effective as desired or they claim.

    Here’s a great idea for an all over body scrub. Mix some turmeric with gram flour and water and use it to scrub all over your body before your shower. Doing this regularly will indeed help you get a glowing skin. Ask any bride in India and she will affirm that this is the beauty regimen that they dutifully follow weeks before their wedding to get a spotless skin.

    One problem that often besets pregnant women is the appearance of stretch marks on their abdomen. If you’ve wondered how stretch marks can be avoided, try applying a mixture of turmeric with yoghurt to the abdomen and then it wipe off after five minutes. If you continue this regularly, it will help in maintaining the elasticity of the skin and prevent stretch marks.

   Turmeric helps in reducing skin rashes as well.

   For those who want to reduce the hair growth on their face, turmeric again comes to the rescue. Regular washing with turmeric reduces facial hair growth significantly.
Grandmothers in India often prefer to apply a paste of turmeric to minor cuts, bruises and bumps as it reduces the swelling just as an ice pack would do, without the discomfort. Its various antiseptic.

    For minor burns mix 1 tsp of turmeric with 1 tsp of aloe gel and apply to burnt area.
What it does: Turmeric has been found to cut the skin’s melanin production. It also helps suntanned skin return to its normal shade faster.
How to do it

    You can apply turmeric topically on your skin or ingest it (or do both!). There are many ways to use turmeric on your skin — below are a few simple methods.
    Do note that turmeric will stain your skin and some surfaces yellow, scroll to the bottom for some helpful tips:

   1) 15-minute mask (with lemon juice). Mix turmeric powder with cucumber juice or lemon juice to make a paste. Apply to the affected area. Leave on for fifteen minutes. Rinse off. With daily use, skin pigmentation will even out.

  2) Mask or cream (with natural oils). For a more penetrating and longer-lasting treatment, mix turmeric with a natural oil to form a paste and apply this paste as a mask. You can leave the mask on for as long as you are comfortable as unlike lemon juice, it will not sting. Some good natural oils you can try are extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil. Depending on your preferences, you can either make a thick paste (more turmeric, less oil) or a very thin, diluted mixture (less turmeric, more oil).

   3) Turmeric-infused oil mask. This is very easy to prepare, and as it is “pre-mixed”, it’s also the most convenient method.

    Just add some turmeric powder to a natural oil of your choice in a small bottle (use a clear or see-through bottle so you can see when the mixture separates in the next step). Shake well. The oil will immediately turn an orange or a deep yellow.

     Leave this bottle to stand overnight. The next day, the turmeric powder would have settled at the bottom and you’ll get beautiful, clear orange oil at the top for your use.
Take a small amount of this turmeric-infused oil and rub it into your skin or face thoroughly. Leave on for at least 30 minutes (longer if you feel comfortable) and wash off.

     Remember that using natural methods such as these require patience. Give these methods consistent use for at least 1-2 months before deciding if there is any improvement or not. Keep in mind that the skin only renews itself every 30 days or so.

   4) Ingest turmeric (eat it or drink it). Apart from putting it on your skin, turmeric taken internally also benefits skin. Some of the ways you can take turmeric are: 1) in food (many Asian dishes such as curries contain turmeric); 2) mixed in hot water or a drink; 3) or in supplement form. To boost turmeric’s absorption in your body, add some black pepper and fat. This can be easily done if you take turmeric at mealtimes.

   5) For a glowing complexion apply a paste of turmeric on the skin before bed, and wash off after a few minutes. In the morning, remove any remaining yellow tinge with a paste of chickpea flour (besan) and oil.

     Yellow stains from turmeric: simple precautions and tips:
      When turmeric is mixed with oils like in methods, the yellow stains on the skin become much easier to wash off with soap and water afterwards. You will have to lather up a few times and be thorough, but the yellow stains will come off your skin with washing.
   When turmeric is mixed with water (or water-based liquids like lemon juice) instead, it’ll leave a yellow stain on your skin for several hours and may require a few washings to fade it. Although this is inconvenient for most people, this yellow staining—where turmeric remains within the skin itself and not just sitting on top of it—may actually be more beneficial.
    You can use plastic gloves when handling turmeric or wrap a small piece of cling film/plastic wrap around your fingers to protect your nails.

     If you use turmeric on your skin overnight while you sleep, it will also stain your pillowcase and bed linen, so line them with towels first or use old linens that you don’t mind getting stained.

  Turmeric for use in food:

  As you’ve probably figured out by now, turmeric is not only great for applying on the skin but has a host of wonderful benefits if you ingest it as well. It’s a sharp and pungent spice and no Indian food is complete without it. Try adding it to your meals while cooking and while it might give off a yellow tinge, remember all the wonderful benefits you will have. Of course, the amount of turmeric used in food is rather minimal but it’s a good food habit.

   Different scientific findings about turmeric also show that it can actually prevent leukemia by protecting DNA from harmful pollutants. Turmeric is also known to minimize the ill effects of processed foods as well as smoking. One of the active compounds of turmeric, curcumin is held responsible for much of this benefit.